A Letter from Care Camel
Photo: Truck bed ready for delivery
A Letter from Ramzy Farouki from the Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine, and Care Camel
Beginning in mid-March, as it became obvious that food and medical supplies would become increasingly difficult to access, the Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine (CSPP) decided it was our duty to help the individuals in our community that would be most affected by shortages. We began raising funds, acquiring staple food and health items, and distributing them directly to people suffering from houselessness.
As of May 1st, we were able to donate over $5,000 in food and medical goods throughout the city of Portland.
We now have shifted our program to directly support Indigenous communities in our greater Portland area. The CSPP has officially partnered with the Warms Springs Tribal Emergency Management Program to get needed supplies to the Warm Springs community. Since last May, Warm Springs has been experiencing water shortages. Since the appearance of COVID-19, the community’s access to water for washing and drinking is even more important.
We are currently working on making similar connections within the Pendleton and Umatilla communities. Our goal is to make regular support shipments to all these communities.
Follow us on Instagram for the most recent updates and activity.
Please help us continue our direct aid efforts by donating via Cash App $carecamelpdx
Disenfranchised communities will always be disproportionately and adversely affected by any crisis. On behalf of Palestinians everywhere, we understand and can relate to need and scarcity. The CSPP wants to stand in solidarity with the Indigenous people of the land on which we reside. We extend our hand in solidarity, servitude, and gratitude.
10% of all Vapor Rub sales at Botaníca Rosa go to providing support to the Indigenous communities in the Greater Portland Area through its partnership with Care Camel.