
Resources for the people.

The health and wellness journey can be difficult to start, or even to maintain, without some know-how. I have a compiled a list of resources for community members like yourself looking to start their journey and find opportunities they didn’t know were out there.

Check back here frequently for updates.


+ Portland BIPOC Healthcare Providers

This is a living document, compiled by Dr. Montserrat Andreys, DC, and will be continuously updated: Portland BIPOC Healthcare Providers

+ Resources for Eating Healthy on a Budget

  • Farmers Market Fund is a Portland non-profit dedicated to providing low-income, elderly and under-served populations greater access to fresh, locally grown foods.

  • Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) is a program “matches” SNAP benefits spent at participating farmers markets. For every $2 of SNAP benefits you choose to spend, you’ll get a match of up to $10 in DUFB that you can spend on fruits and vegetables.

  • Feeding The Masses is a guide and cookbook for feeding crowds of 150 or more.

  • Urban Gleaners is a local food distribution warehouse, that collects donated delicious, fresh food before it goes to waste, and distributes meals and pantry items to people who need it.

  • Food Hero is a website that provides quick, tasty, healthy recipes and helpful cooking tips.

  • SNAP Ed Connection is a dynamic online resource center that provides tips and resources for local, and healthy eating on a budget.

  • Oregon Farmers Markets Association website offers a unique “find a market” function and a directory of markets in the state.

  • Choose My Plate is the USDA’s compilation of resources for healthy eating on a budget.

+ Nutrition

+ Gardening Resources

  • See full book list here

Do you have resources that I should add to this list? If so, tell me about them!