Recommended Reads
+ Chinese Medicine
Health and Long Life The Chinese Way, Livia Kohn
The Tao of Trauma, Alaine D. Duncan with Kathy L. Kain
The Spark in the Machine, Dr. Daniel Keown
The Web that Has No Weaver, Ted Kaptchuk
Wood Becomes Water: Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life, Gail Reichstein
Receiving Spirit, The Practice of Five Element Acupuncture, Debra Kaatz
+ Cook Books
Kemetic Diet: Ancient African Wisdom for Health of Mind, Body and Spirit, Muata Ashby
African Holistic Health, Llaila Afrika
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon
Recipes for Self-Healing Daverick Leggett
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen, Yuan Wang
A Tradition of Soup, Teresa M. Chen
Veganomicon The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook, Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero
Vegan Soul Kitchen, Bryant Terry
+ Digestive Health
Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford (Chinese medical principles used, recipes)
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers, David Perlmutter
The Second Brain: A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine, Michael Gershon
Medical Nutrition from Marz, 2nd edition, Russell B. Marz
+ Earthworks’ Library
The Next American Revolution, Grace Lee Boggs
Black & Blue, The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism, John Hoberman
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury & Healing, Dr. Joy DeGruy
The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
All About Love, bell hooks
The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving Kindness, Pema Chodron
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire
Sister Outsider, Audre Lorde
Integrating Mindfulness Into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy, Beth Berila
+ Medicine Making
Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, Rosemary Gladstar
The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook: A Home Manual, James Green
+ Traditional Healing
Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, Gabriel Mojay
The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Sacred Woman, Queen Afua
WInd in The Blood: Mayan Healing and Chinese Medicine, Hernan Garcia, Antonio Sierra, Gilberto Balam