The needles are fine, flexible, and often no bigger around than a human hair or a piece of thread. By inserting a needle into an acupoint by a skilled acupuncturist, the slender needle produces little to no sensation at all.
3,000 Year Old Practice
Acupuncture is one aspect of a complete medical system that many Indigenous East Asian cultures have practiced, and researched for thousands of years. There are 12 major energy, or Qi (Chi), channels that course through our bodies, including our head, arms, legs, hands, feet, and internal organs.
We use very thin, sterile acupuncture needles, and also non-needle techniques to stimulate certain points along the channels of the body. This subtle stimulation helps to restore the body’s Qi back to balance, allowing your body’s channels and organs to work in harmony. This sets the stage for the body to not only maintain its own health, but keeps your body ready when in need of repair.