


Generally used to promote circulation, eliminate wind, cold and dampness, restore Kidney Yang, and nourish blood. Its general uses are for treating painful periods, atrophy, paralysis, chronic diarrhea, nephritis, impotence, prolapse, rheumatic pain, hernias, and even hemorrhoids.


Moxa is a plant (artemisia vulgaris, or Ai Ye) that is used as a heat source to stimulate acupuncture points. Moxibustion, also called Jiu Fa, has many different methods of application, including:

Direct Moxa
based on quantity and size of cones applied directly on top of shinko, or burn cream, and then lit.

Indirect Moxa
used with a barrier covering the skin, such as a slice of garlic, ginger or aconite,  or affixed to the handle of a needle, or used as pole moxa. 

Moxa Box
a wooden box that holds ignited moxa, that is kept in the box and over the point or area until the skin becomes slightly red


Herbal Consultations


Shiatsu Massage